This post is intended to provide an overview and some of the configuration steps involved in ISLB.

VSAN and Zoning Notes

Some VSAN and Zoning notes so that I can keep some of the concepts that will likely be in the lab straight.

Unified Computing Server Resources

This is the third of five UCS sections on the blueprint.


In order to make sure that I've covered all the bases, I'm going to look at all the items in the SAN tab.

Implement SAN Connectivity in a Unified Computing Environment

One of the sections from the blueprint.  Quite a bit of info but I'll try to cram it into one post.

Notes on the UCS Equipment in the Lab

The Data Center V1.0 blueprint lists these UCS components in the lab:

UCS C200 Series Server
    vic card for c-series

UCS-6248 Fabric Interconnects

UCS-5108 Blade Chassis
    B200 M2 Blade Servers
    Palo mezzanine card
    Emulex mezzanine card

FCoE on UCS/Nexus

This post is based on a Gold Lab that I did.  The purpose is to capture the basics of Multihop FCoE.

ISCSI Basic Lab

This is a post of an MDS configuration for iSCSI.  I used a Win 7 workstation as a iSCSI initiator.  The target is an MDS 9200 with an IPS module.  There is a FC attached JBOD for storage. Later on I plan to try more of the options.  The goal of this lab was just to see iSCSI work on the MDS.

1000v Port-Channels

Another topic of it's own on the blueprint

1000v Network Monitoring

A topic of it's own on the blueprint so I'm assuming this is worth a few points

Nexus 1000v Port Profiles and VLANs

I thought these topics were worth a dedicated post.

Nexus 1000v Virtualization

The blueprint has a section called 'Manage Data Center Virtualization with Nexus1000v'.  This post will cover this section of the blueprint.

Nexus System Management

Just a few items for review and documentation

UCS Hardware Overview

This post provides a high level listing of the hardware involved with the UCS solution.

UCS has three series of UCS servers - The B,C and E series.  The B series (think 'B" for Blade) is as you guessed, a blade based solution.  The C series are rack mount servers and the E series is based on a module that is inserted into an ISR router. 

NX-OS Security

A fairly large topic on the blueprint.  I'm pretty good with most of these topics but a few of them I don't touch very often.  I will spend more time on these.

Nexus 7000 BFD

Some BFD notes

Nexus 7000 FHRP

The Nexus 7000 supports HSRP, VRRP and GLBP.  The configuration of both HSRP and VRRP is very simple and I've used both many times so I'm not going to document them.  GLBP is worth some attention.

Nexus 7000 OSPF

Same strategy as for EIGRP

Nexus 7000 EIGRP

A few notes on EIGRP mostly focusing on differences and/or additions to IOS.

Nexus Spanning Tree

Covering some of the topics for both RPVST+ and MST in this post.

VLANs, Private VLANs and VTP

VLAN configuration is fairly simple but there are a few differences and enhancements in NX-OS that are worth exploring.

Fabric Path Notes

Below are notes I took when I did a Cisco PEC Fabricpath lab.


This post will be used document some notes and a sample configuration.

UCS LAN Connectivity

According to the blueprint, there are five categories on testable items in the LAN section.

  • Configure different Port types
  • Implement Ethernet end Host Mode
  • Implement VLANs and Port Channels.
  • Implement Pinning and PIN Groups
  • Implement Disjoint Layer 2
I won't just include these five but they will be the focus.

Dynamic VSANs

VSAN membership can be assigned based on the device WWN.  This is referred to as Dynamic Port VSAN Membership (DPVM) and it eliminates the need to reconfigure when a device is moved to another port on a local or remote switch.  DPVM uses CFS to distribute the VSAN information across the fabric. A test configuration is outlined below.

FC Oversubcription

Yet another topic that is listed on the blueprint so I'd better be prepared for it. I don't plan on going into much detail as I think the odds are pretty low that I would see anything on this.

Fibre Channel Security Features

Another topic on the blueprint.  I'll only include security features that are specific to the MDS. Shared features with the Nexus platform will be added to the Nexus post.

FC Domain Parameters

The CCIE DC blueprint lists this as a topic so I need to give it some attention.  I'm not really sure if I understand the scope of what I need to learn, but it can't hurt to start with the 'fcdomain' configuration command.

Nexus Configuration Summary Notes

The intent of this post is to provide some short guidance for configuring Nexus products.

Enhanced Zoning and Other Zoning Notes

From what I've read so far, Enhanced Zoning seems complex and tricky enough to have a post dedicated to it.  I'll write down some notes and do some lab testing so that I understand it well.

FC IP Services

I'm kicking myself for not getting MDS 9216i Switches instead of 9216a.  Appears that the 9216i variant supports IP services like FCIP and ISCSI on the last two ports.  I still may get an IP SSM module for one of the 9216a's so that I can get comfortable with IP services.  In the meantime, I'll post some notes below for future reference.

FC Stuff I can't Afford in my Home LAB

No money for a Nexus 5000 in my home lab.  Plan is to take a lot of notes and get rack time.  Notes below.

Small Fibre Channel Lab Experiences - Part 3

Another MDS 9216A Switch will be added to the topology in this section.

Small Fibre Channel Lab Experiences - Part 2

In this section some basic configurations such as VSANs, Zone and Zonesets will be configured.

Small Fibre Channel Lab Experiences - Part 1

In order to understand some Fiber Channel basics, I'm working on building out a very small lab.  Currently this lab is a single MDS 9216A with a Xiotech disk shelf.  I added an Emulex LPE11000E HBA in one of my ESXi hosts.

Fibre Channel Basics

The purpose of this post is to keep track of my notes as I learn Fibre Channel. The plan is to read as much as I can and then try to work on configurations. I'm working on building a small lab to learn the basics.

Nexus 7000 Hardware Overview

This post provides a listing of some of the basics in terms of hardware available on the Nexus 7000 platform.  

UCS Configuration Screen Shots

This post provides an overview of the basic steps required to configure a UCS system with mostly screenshots.